Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One of the book that really made me cry

Just yesterday,while the rain was pouring heavily and thunderstorms gave me chills to my spine I decided to read a book even though it ‘s brownout ( hahaha, just to kill time,.. and it’s creepy while reading a book with a candle for my light). For the 2nd time, I read the book A child Called ‘It’ written by Dave Pelzer, an inspirational story about a child who had been physically and emotionally abused by his own mother. The writer itself is the protagonist of the story and it is his own life story when he was young.

When i read this book,.. it has a great impact on me. Making me realize that not all children are fortunate to have an ideal family, and life is not so good in many ways.

I actually read this with the difficulty of fighting my tears back, and my throat was tightening,.. I can’t blame myself not to pity the protagonist. Just imagining the hardships and tortures he got from his mother, i feel nauseated. I cant imagine how his mother can pull things to his own. Imagine, she’s beating his son to death and in front of Dave’s brothers, and she made his own son the family slave. She forced him to do the chores what she ought to do, and if he fails to do it in time, he will receive another beatings and will not have his meal.

Another thing, in able to survive, Dave pulled some plans just to get some food. He actually stole foods from his classmates’ lunchboxes and his mother discovered it then another punishment. He thought another plan and it is to steal at the grocery and the school cafeteria. One punishment that really disgust me is this... when Dave stole at the school cafeteria for frozen foods (then he will eat it at the restroom), and her mother discovered it too, he was forced to vomit in the toilet and spooned the mess into a bowl. Then she forced him to eat the regurgitated hotdogs (so gross)... for me it’s really humiliating and self-degrading (even a dog will not eat such food like that). Imagine that, at a young age he’s suffering from the hands of his mother.

She practically out casted his own son to the family and preferred to call him The Boy and worst the “it”, she forced him also to eat the soiled diaper of his baby brother tsk, his room were under the kitchen table and his blanket was only newspapers then he was transferred in the garage; and one of the favorite game of his mother was a bucket of mixture of ammonia and Clorox, she would locked Dave in the bathroom and let him inhaled the fumes of the chemical; she would give a dose of ammonia and sometimes she would squeeze a dishwashing liquid into his throat. Moreover, the most painful thing thing she did to his own was she stabbed Dave at his stomach (even though it’s quite an accident). She’s sick and a sadist, she gets satisfaction in hurting his son. What she was did was purely inhumane.

Reading this book, really gives me a new perception in reality. That not all good things you see or have, will last forever. Sometimes, the things that you see as good will sometimes will be the one to harm you. I knew better than to fall things that will do no good.

I really looked up to Dave ‘cause in spite of the things he experienced in the hands of his mother, he still managed to survive. He still has the courage to survive. And that courage kept him to survive and continue living, though what his mother was doing to him dwindled his morale and pulled down his dignity.

This book actually had me crying, I mean really crying (can't pull back my tears). It's a moving story that really touched my sentimental soul. I think everyone should read this book. :)

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